To Be or Not to Be
To Be or Not to Be Installation 6’ x 9’, woodcut on paper, wood
To Be or Not to Be, was inspired by my fascination with the division and connection between interior and exterior self during the process of change. The act of becoming or the moment in time when transformation occurs is reflective in the shape of the print itself. The incomplete circle of the sculptural form offers a visual experience that reflects the state of being in flux. Both scale and sculptural shape of this semi circular print interrupts the visual experience. Visually wrapping around itself, the composition of the print is altered depending on the viewing position. As light passes through, the print becomes transparent. This transparency allows the image to visually possess both the printed mirror and the original image of the matrix. By intertwining the inside and the outside image, the division between the interior and exterior is dissolved and the act of becoming is revealed.
Sirens revenge
Bring it on